Cloud Corporate Performance Management Software Modules
Budgeting and forecasting processes are simplified and automated with unlimited users entering their budgets securely in their web browser, while the budget manager has real-time access to review, approve, consolidate and share the final versions with executives in high-quality report books.
Solver directly integrates with Microsoft Power BI, the world’s leading dashboard solution. This means that managers can maximize their analysis and decision-making by having fully integrated, cloud-based reports and stunning dashboards at their fingertips.
Data Warehouse
Analysis and quality decisions are only as good as the underlying data. The Solver Data Warehouse is designed to store all your important financial and operational data, serving it to Solver’s Reporting, Planning and Dashboard modules, and ultimately providing users with “one version of the truth”.
Getting started with corporate performance management
Financial managers and executives in growth-focused organizations are looking to maximize decision-making capabilities for success in the ever-growing, competitive marketplace.
Solver is an innovative and easy-to-use corporate performance management (CPM) solution that supports these objectives by offering:
Flexibility – To deploy even the most advanced reports, planning models and dashboards allowing for analysis of both financial and operational data.
Scalability – To handle large data sets and 10s to 100s of users.
Availability – 24/7 availability through global, secure cloud platform
Connectivity – Automated integration to all important data sources
Accessibility – Anywhere, anytime with just a browser and Internet required
Affordability – To provide excellent return on investment (ROI)
Ranked by users as one of the top cloud CPM solutions in the world, Solver is built for the rapidly evolving demands of companies aspiring to thrive in the 2020’s marketplace.
Solver provides a single, cloud-based solution that automates reporting, consolidations, budgeting and forecasting processes, and supports faster and better decisions based on key information from across the organization’s data sources.
Start taking advantage of our corporate performance management solutions by contacting an experienced team member today for more information. In the meantime, check out our Solver Template Series.
budgeting and planning process
Pre-built Integrations Available
Solver Reporting and Analysis – User Overview of Software
Solver Planning – Budget Administrator Overview of Software
Solver Planning – Budget and Forecast Input and Adjustments
This brief video demonstration of Solver, provides a high-level overview of the corporate performance management suite, and the user experience for end users and executives.
This video provides an overview of the comprehensive planning capabilities in the suite and shows how Solver can be used to automate the budgeting and forecasting process.
This video provides an overview of Solver’s corporate performance management software, and how it can be used to streamline and automate the forecasting and budgeting process for budget contributors and end users.